United Victory
Date Owner Player Action
24.01.2019 17:37 AdmBot R3mIX.rtv Got rank 6
24.01.2019 17:37 AdmBot R3mIX.rtv Joined the clan
24.01.2019 17:16 AdmBot WediN Joined the clan
24.01.2019 16:02 AdmBot Indifference Left the clan
23.01.2019 19:07 AdmBot South. Joined the clan
23.01.2019 16:43 AdmBot _w[S]hyNNN_ Left the clan
22.01.2019 23:35 AdmBot IliaTopuria Left the clan
22.01.2019 21:26 AdmBot 9mm Got rank 6
22.01.2019 21:26 AdmBot 9mm Got rank 1
22.01.2019 20:29 AdmBot DenniS Joined the clan
21.01.2019 17:37 AdmBot Samurai. Got rank 2
21.01.2019 17:37 AdmBot Pikovit Got rank 2
21.01.2019 17:37 AdmBot _w[S]hyNNN_ Got rank 2
20.01.2019 22:11 AdmBot HacKSawRidGe. Left the clan
20.01.2019 22:04 AdmBot SaiF_SfaXiaNo Joined the clan